Apex Anodizing offers a variety of metal finishings guaranteed to make your product stand out! Please look over our full list of services for details on our anodize color offerings, tank sizes, approved specs and more. If you have any questions regarding our processes, please fill out our contact form or give us a call!

Bright Dip is a pretreatment process that cosmetically enhances aluminum.

Anodizing is an electrochemical process done by placing aluminum parts in a sulfuric bath.

Hard Anodizing, also known as Type III Anodizing, is processed similar to Type II Anodize.

Powder coating is a dry finishing process that has become extremely popular since its introduction in North America over 40 years ago.

Zinc plating is an extremely valuable and economic finish used to combat the corrosion of steel.

Commonly referred to as “2 Step Coloring”, after anodizing the material is immersed in a bath containing inorganic tin salt.

Electroless Nickel plating does not use electric current to produce a deposit, but rather operates chemically.

Bright Nickel provides both a functional and decorative application.

Chromate Conversion coatings are non-decorative coatings intended to provide corrosion prevention when left unpainted.

Passivation coats metal in order to reduce the chemical reactivity of the surface area.

Apex offers primer and top coat applications. We keep the most commonly used Mil spec & BMS spec paints in stock, though we have a vast supplier network for ordering paint depending on your project.

Blasting and Pre Finishing: Apex offers a wide variety of blasting services: Aluminum Oxide, Glass Bead, Steel Shot and Roto Blasting.

Let’s Get in Touch!
Give us a call, fill out our contact form, or request a quote today. We look forward to working with you!